Backpropagation, high school student edition

4 min readJun 23, 2024



Imagine you want to teach a computer to recognize handwritten digits like those you see in a math class. How does the computer learn to differentiate a ‘5’ from an ‘8’? This is where neural networks and a process called backpropagation come in. Let’s break it down step-by-step in a way that’s easy to understand.

Neural Networks: The Basics

Think of a neural network as a simplified model of the human brain. Just as our brain has neurons that fire when we recognize patterns, a neural network has nodes (also called neurons) that activate when they see certain features in the data.

A neural network is made up of layers:

  1. Input Layer: This is where the network receives data, like the pixel values of an image.
  2. Hidden Layers: These layers process the data through a series of transformations.
  3. Output Layer: This layer gives the final result, like predicting the digit in a handwritten image.

Training the Neural Network

Training a neural network means adjusting its internal settings (weights and biases) to make predictions accurately. Backpropagation plays a crucial role in this process.

Weights: The Strength of Connections

Think of a neural network as a web of interconnected nodes (neurons). Each connection between nodes has an associated weight.

  1. Definition: Weights determine the importance of the input signals. They are numerical values that get multiplied by the input data as it passes through the network.
  2. Function: If the weight is high, it means the connection is strong, and the input signal significantly impacts the next node. If a weight is low or negative, the connection is weak or inhibitory, and the input signal has little to no impact or even reduces the signal.
  3. Analogy: Imagine you’re tuning a radio. Each station has a different frequency. Adjusting the weight is like tuning the dial to get the clearest signal. The clearer the signal, the more it influences what you hear.

Biases: Shifting the Activation

Biases are another set of numerical values added to the input signal. They help adjust the output along with the weights.

  1. Definition: A bias is a value added to the weighted sum of inputs going into a neuron. It allows the activation of a neuron even when all input values are zero.
  2. Function: Biases help the network model more complex patterns. They shift the activation function to the left or right, making the network more flexible in its learning.
  3. Analogy: Think of the bias as setting a baseline. If you’re adjusting the volume on your phone, the bias is like the initial volume level before you start making adjustments. Even if you don’t change anything, the volume (output) is already at a certain level (bias).

How Weights and Biases Work Together

  1. Input Layer: The network receives the input data.
  2. Weighted Sum: Each input is multiplied by its corresponding weight.
  3. Adding Bias: The bias is added to the weighted sum.
  4. Activation Function: The result is passed through an activation function, which determines the neuron’s output. This function helps the network decide whether the neuron should be activated (fire) or not.

Example: A Simple Neuron

Let’s put it all together with a simple example. Suppose we have a single neuron with two inputs, X1 and X2

  1. Each input has a weight: W1 for X1 and W2 for X2
  2. The neuron has a bias: b.

The output Y of this neuron is calculated as follows:

What is Backpropagation?

Backpropagation is a method used to fine-tune the weights of a neural network by minimizing the error in its predictions. Here’s a simplified analogy:

  1. Forward Pass: Imagine you’re baking a cake. The ingredients you use are like the input data. You mix them and put the batter in the oven (neural network). The cake that comes out is the network’s prediction.
  2. Calculating Error: Suppose your cake doesn’t taste good. You compare it to a perfect cake recipe (the correct output). The difference in taste (error) tells you how far off you were.
  3. Backward Pass (Backpropagation): To make the cake better, you need to figure out what went wrong. Did you add too much sugar? Not enough baking powder? This step involves adjusting the recipe. In a neural network, backpropagation works similarly by tweaking the weights and biases to reduce the error.

How Backpropagation Works: Step-by-Step

  1. Initialization: Start with random weights.
  2. Forward Pass: Pass the input data through the network to get an output.
  3. Error Calculation: Compare the predicted output with the actual output to find the error.
  4. Backward Pass:
  • Calculate the gradient (how much change is needed) of the error with respect to each weight.
  • Update the weights in the opposite direction of the gradient to reduce the error. This is like adjusting your cake recipe based on what went wrong.

5. Iteration: Repeat this process many times with different input data until the network’s predictions are accurate.

Why Backpropagation is Important

Backpropagation is the backbone of how neural networks learn. It allows computers to improve at tasks like recognizing images, understanding speech, and even playing games by learning from mistakes and continuously adjusting to get better results.


Backpropagation might sound complex, but it’s essentially about learning from errors and making continuous improvements. Just like practicing for a sport or studying for a test, a neural network gets better the more it learns from its mistakes. With this powerful technique, computers can achieve incredible feats, from self-driving cars to advanced medical diagnostics. Now, whenever you hear about AI and machine learning, you’ll have a good understanding of one of the key processes that make them work!

